Dalton & Gayles Village Hall Events
- YCA – Tuesday 3rd December – Christmas meal at Coghlans.
- Lockey’s Fish and Chips – Wednesday 4th December 6.50 – 7.20 pm.
- Lunch Club – Thursday 12th December – noon.
- Festive Sharing Supper: Saturday 14th December – 7pm. Licensed bar. Bring along your festive – themed food and share with other people. Enjoy a wonderful feast and good company in the run up to Christmas.
- Carols on the Green: Monday 16th December – 6.30pm on Dalton village green. Come along and join in a festive sing-song, followed by hot, mulled wine and warm mince pies. Song sheets and music provided, just bring a torch. If the weather is unsuitable, then we’ll be in the village hall.
- Lockey’s Fish and Chips – Wednesday 18th December 6.50 – 7.20 pm.
- Dalton and Gayles Village Hall Annual Quiz: Saturday 11th January, 7.30 pm for 7.45pm start. £6 including supper (under 16s £3). Max 6 per team. Booking essential for this popular, good fun evening, places go quickly. To book phone Pam on 01833 621382 by Tuesday 7th January.
- Wine Circle Burns Supper Night: Tuesday 28th January 7.30pm. Everyone Welcome. £5.00 a head for Wine Circle members. £7.00 a head for non-Wine Circle members. Traditional Burns Supper and piper. Bring Your Own Bottle(s). Booking essential before 14th January. Contact Fiona for more information or to reserve your place: fiona.parker1@icloud.com or mobile 07814 834811
A66 Upgrade
The objection from Transport Action Network (TAN) has been refused. We now await approval from the Labour government regarding allocation of funds
Non Native species
Invasive species are an increasing problem. Please see: Wildlife
The broken glass has been removed. As expected, the cast iron frame was brittle and did not survive. A replacement steel frame has been ordered and should be here in about 5 working days.
Unfortunately, vandals have smashed one of the large panes of original glass in the phone box around 3am 8th July 2023. 2 youths were seen at this time at the box who appeared to be inebriated. They parted and disappeared – one up Middle Street and 1 on the road to Kirby Hill.
Happily, the defibrillator was not damaged.
No one has come forward to accept responsibility.
The glass and frame replacement will cost £50-60 and I will order 1 spare pane for both the large and small glass panes.
Several people have offered to help towards the cost (Gayles Parish has no money) and I am grateful for this (we have had offers already). If you wish to join those who are helping with hard cash and contribute to the repair, then please email the parish clerk.
I estimate it will take 1-2 hours to fix this, as the original frame will have to be prised out carefully. I have other calls on my time and effort.
Noticeboard in the bus shelter
Take a moment to admire the new noticeboard purchased by Ben on behalf of Gayles village (he has been refunded). Now take a further moment to read the leaflets and notices on the board. Pick up a plant or two and make a sensible donation to the village fund.
Manhole Cover
The missing manhole cover for the culvert running below the green in West Street has been replaced by stone cover and brought up to level with soil and grass seeding by Kevin.
The metal cover went ‘missing’ after a visit by YW to look at leaks in the street. Numerous attempts to get this fixed by YW have resulted in their washing their hands of any involvement.
So Gayles has sorted this out by itself (Kevin). Apparently the Parish meeting owns the common and green on behalf of Gayles village as a riparian asset
low loader incident Kirby Hill – see this report that fore shadows problems with our roads if the quarry proposal were to go ahead
The latest update from our NY councillor is on the website
Lambing time
2023-05-04 – Update – a lamb has been attacked by a dog on a field just to the west of West Street. If you see any loose dogs, then please report immediately either to the farmer or police.
It is that time of year again. Please ensure that if you are walking your dogs through the fields, that all are on short leads. Even the best behaved dogs sometimes get random ideas into their heads and decide that it is great fun to run off and chase sheep. This is illegal.
Pregnant ewes can abort if subjected to stress (and being chased by a dog – no matter what size or degree of cuteness – is certainly included). Please don’t risk your dog being shot and you being fined because of a lack of consideration.
Also, it would be polite to change your walk, to one that does not involve sheep. We have plenty of Walks on this website that avoid sheep pastures.
The Dalton & Gayles Village hall has a new website – www.daltongaylesvillagehall.co.uk
Rural Services Network
This site provides useful information for country areas eg in broadband & 5G Rural Services Network
Gayles Parish Meeting AGM
Due in March 2025
North Yorkshire Council
The new unitary authority has started . Go to Richmondshire for more information
Wildlife Corridors
The A66 expansion may provide funding for Biodiversity projects and therefore we would like to run an idea by you and see if there is any interest in the parishes to create a project working group.
We (Sally Zaranko and our parish committee meeting and myself) have been wondering if we could create a wildlife highway/walkway/corridor that allows nature and ourselves to move through all the parishes. So using where possible footpaths and bridleways that interlink so that someone could walk through Holmedale while learning or surveying our nature. This could involve having information points and also supporting our nature by ensuring they can travel through too by planting and providing nest boxes etc.
I would be grateful if you could please share this amongst your parishes and am hopeful that we have some interest so we could then arrange an initial meeting to discuss a proposal.
Richmondshire climate action partnership have offered their support if we do decide to take this forwards and I am also hopeful that the Tees-Swale team will be interested too.
5G Broadband
No action planned
Platinum Jubilee Picnic in the Paddock
We were very lucky with the weather. A window on the stormy map that centred over Gayles. A shower before the start and a couple of hours after the end, a deluge. The picnic and games were dry!
East Quarry reopening after a century?
Quarry update — the proposal and it’s impact on the track to Sturdy House has been raised on the New Richmond Forum Facebook group
Dismay greeted this proposal at the Parish meeting on 21 March 2022. Details here Gayles Quarry
Ukraine War Ukraine War
Collections are being coordinated in Village halls across the land. The first shipments from Richmond & Catterick are being sent out to Ukraine tomorrow am. Items are in plentiful supply – what is needed is money to pay for fuel for the vans.
Updated list for Ukraine
A massive huge THANK YOU to everyone for their generosity and kindness loads of items dropped of today you are all amazing xxxDROP OFF POINTS – This week
Colburn Village Hall 9 to 2pm
Love Property 9 to 5pm
Hanson Sport 7 to 11pm
JTs 4 to 11pm
Scotton Social Club 7 – 11pm
Jefferson in Richmond 9 – 5pmSHOUT OUT – We are in desperate need of cardboard boxes various sizes, as everything needs to be itemised in each box and lists given to drivers, any help would be gratfully received thank you in advance x
Updated list for Ukraine
Socks and Underwear (NEW)
Warm Winter Wear
JumpersOutdoor items:
Sleeping bags
Sleeping mats
Torches and batteries
Folding bed
Inflatable tents
Hot water bottlesEx Military items :
Military backpacks
Military clothes
Helmets/ bulletproof vestsHygiene Products:
Soap bars
Wash bag kits
Roll on deodorant
Hand Gel
Cotton swabs
Toothpaste/ Toothbrushes
Disposable Sanitary TowelsFood Products:
Non perishable Foods
Ration packs
Canned foods
Pre packaged meals
Easily prepared
Granola bars
Oat bars
Dried fruit
Mixed nuts
Instant soupsMedication/ First Aid:
Anti diarrhoea tablets
Activated charcoal
Antiseptic spray
Antiseptic wipes
Anything with Iodine
Antiseptic cream
Muscle relaxant cream
Strong painkillers
Medication for children- Calpol etc
Small scissors
First aid kids
First aid bags to sortBabies and Children:
Disposable nappies and wipes
Baby formula: instant and powder
Warm winter wear for babies and children, coats, hats etc.
BlanketsLOGISTICS – A huge thank you to Steve Jones at Garrison Van Hire who is providing 5 x Long Vans to get these items direct to Ukraine
CONTACTS – For more information Sonya Coulson, Le Soleil or Angie Dale
VOLUNTEERS – Look out we will need people to pack items and do lists xxx
Thank you for your support and please share xxx
Police & Security
Sightings of a man wearing a head torch have been made around some of the more isolated properties in Gayles. On approaching the man, he has switched off the torch and run off.
He may have been scoping properties for items to steal. We would suggest not approaching him, but report the incident to the police.
Ash die-back disease
Ash Dieback is a serious fungal disease of ash trees. There is no cure or treatment for the disease and over time infected trees will weaken, causing branches to fall and trees to eventually collapse and die.
Infection can lead to the death of young trees in just two to three years and of mature trees within three to five years. This presents a significant health and safety risk, especially alongside roads and public rights of way. Whilst it is unfortunate that these trees must be felled, it is the only option to protect the public and other estate users.
Regenerating the woodlands
It is intended that the trees will be replaced through natural regeneration, however, if this does not succeed, we may carry out some replanting with native broadleaves, similar to those already on site.
We apologise for any inconvenience these essential works may cause and thank you for your patience. We would also appreciate any help you can give to share this information with local residents.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Landmarc’s National Service Centre by emailing nsc@landmarc.mod.uk, calling 0800 022 3334 or search for Ash Dieback on the Ministry of Defence Estate on www.gov.uk.
Yours faithfully
DIO Forestry Team
Reports of illegal shooting
These have surfaced in the Flyer. What to do in this situation is given on the section on illegal activities on this website. The police are extremely keen to stamp out the ‘sport’ of hare coursing with dogs. Phone 999 for a fast response – do not put yourselves at risk by confrontation.
Gayles history
Documents uploaded to website:
A Guided Walk Around Ravensworth, Whashton & Kirkby Hill
The Ancient Parish of Kirkby Ravensworth 1
Both are worth a read 2
The other documents – in History, History/maps, Conservation area & Gayles common were dropped off by Mags Cran for inclusion in the website. They have been scanned in – you are welcome to use them as you wish
Ravensworth village — Welcome
Just down the hill is Ravensworth. Take a look at their (just started) website. Lots of useful info especially about walks further afield. We will perhaps forgive them for calling Gayles a hamlet
Gayles AED @Phonebox
Click on this link to find out more
Breaking news: a running total of £465 has been raised from our village as at 03/04/2020
The defibrillator was installed on 12 March and became ‘live’ (ie registered with the ambulance trust) on 02/04/2020
Please remember the correct action plan in case of emergency
- Make sure that you are safe eg switch off electricity in case of electrocution
- Check for breathing (after opening the airway) and check for a neck (carotid) pulse
- Start CPR if no pulse
- Call for help. Dial 999
- Send a person who is with you to the phone box to retrieve the AED
- Apply the AED pad, and follow the spoken instructions from the AED
- Continue CPR as instructed
- Use a person present to direct the paramedics to the victim on their arrival. You may need a couple of people to direct them to the correct location
Rain, rain stay away
One side effect of all this rain has been the transformation of dry galleys and the creation of waterfalls
How not to do it
Can you spot the bridle path?
Farmers can plough across paths but they must be reinstated within 14 days if crops are planted. This is deep ploughing — try stumbling across the clarts (Geordie for thick mud) in this field. Bridle paths should be 2 metres wide, and footpaths 1 metre.
Here is the link from Farmers Weekly
N Yorkshire council is investigating
Lazy louts
It appears that it is too much trouble to take your litter home with you, even when you can carry it in your car. Enjoy your tasty beverage and then just defenestrate the rubbish from your car onto the side roads of our county.
You should be ashamed.
*This item sponsored by Costa (not)
Fibre Broadband
Some of us will have spotted the OpenReach guys digging a trench on the Wharton Road. We were scheduled to be linked up by beg 2020, but this was put back—
Conversations with a BT manager have revealed that Gayles should have fibre to the premises by March 2020. Government directive has accelerated this plan.
Is this a rumour? Will we be relying on “Quickline” (an oxymoron)for years to come?
Watch this space!
Jon Smith will have a book out for Christmas
An A-Z miscellany of Barningham and its neighbours
It seems that Gayles has its own HLS (08/01/2019). We will have to rethink plans to plant oak trees in the middle of the paddock
Click here to donate to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance
At first, I scanned in this document direct to PDF (with text recognition). As expected, this resulted in a large file (26.8MB). As a result, the file had to be located in my Dropbox folder, with a weblink from the Gayles.Info website to this file.
The original document has been produced using a typewriter. This has resulted in:
A monospaced font
Missing letters and spelling mistakes
Use of underlining rather than italics for book titles and foreign words
Ordinary quote marks rather than smart quotes — and hyphens rather than en dashes
The use of full stops in abbreviations is ‘old style’ — I have decided to keep this typewriter style as used by the authorEditorial decisions – Norman uses metric and imperial measurements in that order. I have removed the imperial measurements to simplify the document – most people will be able to convert if necessary. He also uses Henry 2nd rather than the usual Henry II. These occurrences have been corrected.
The transfer to a word-processing program gives a proportional spaced font, full spell checking and different fonts and font sizes.
Automatic content production with live links to the content page in the PDFI have also been able to clean up the document with removal of artefacts produced by multiple photocopies.
The PDF file is now much more accessible – 5.6MB in size and is more pleasant to read, the content is searchable and the table of contents works
Thanks to Norman Butcher for writing this history in 1985
↩Thanks to Mal & Pat Burgess of Ravensworth for supplying these documents↩